Billie Eilish Scares Her Fan Melissa McCarthy - TheEllenShow / YouTube

San Francisco, CA - Bill Graham Civic Auditorium (May 29, 2019) post-show

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#BILLIExADOBE contest winners selected

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The grand prize winner of our #BILLIExADOBE contest with @AdobeStudents is Sarah! You’ll be meeting Billie on the “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, world tour.” Visit to look at the other incredible entries.

Billie interview with Nick Grimshaw - BBC Radio 1

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Billie Eilish ‘bad guy’ video memes are the funniest thing on the internet right now - Pop Buzz

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Billie Eilish ‘bad guy’ video memes are the funniest thing on the internet right now - Pop Buzz

A new meme is going viral and it's all thanks to Billie Eilish's 'bad guy' video...


'bad guy' memes are breaking the internet and they involve Billie Eilish's 'bad guy' video.

It's no secret that Billie Eilish is dominating 2019. After gradually amassing an army of loyal fans over the past few years, she has recently soared into superstardom with her Number 1 debut album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? and the hit singles 'bury a friend' and 'bad guy'. In fact, she is so successful that the 'bad guy' music video has now been immortalised in meme form and honestly we can't enough of it.


The Internet Won’t Stop Making Billie Eilish ‘Bad Guy’ Remixes - 5Why

Listen to Billie Eilish's 'Bad Guy' recreated with weird noises she made on 'Hot Ones' - Mashable

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Listen to Billie Eilish's 'Bad Guy' recreated with weird noises she made on 'Hot Ones' - Mashable

The KNOH YouTube account — known for remixing some of our favorite songs by replacing the instruments with unexpected sound effects — is back at it again.

If you enjoyed the time KNOH remixed Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" using horse sounds, you'll want to check out the remake of Billie Eilish's hit song "Bad Guy," which samples a bunch of weird sounds she made during her March Hot Ones episode.

"Billie made some weird sounds throughout the interview, so I decided to use only the sounds she made to make what you hear in the video," the creator wrote in the video's description.

By adjusting the screams, laughs, and several burps Eilish made while attempting to conquer the hot wings, a far more disgusting but equally catchy version of the song was born. Enjoy.

A Snippet into Billie's Mind (Artist Spotlight Stories) - Billie EIlish / YouTube

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Published on May 28, 2019

A Snippet into Billie’s Mind is an audiovisual journey into the thoughts of Billie Eilish, exploring the inspiration behind songs from WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Produced in collaboration with YouTube Music, this installment of Artist Spotlight Stories acts as the final chapter of our journey inside Billie's head, and unveils the deeply personal, unexpected and infinitely visual creative process of this generation-defining artist. Whether she’s watching music videos with the sound off, drawing camera angles in her sketchbook, or ascribing a color, shape and texture to each of her songs, Billie breaks down her unique visual language and gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of her mind.

Billie Eilish: Teenager of the Year - Rolling Stone

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Billie Eilish: Teenager of the Year - Rolling Stone
By Rob Sheffield
How a home-schooled 17-year-old album artist is rewriting the rules of stardom

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